
Mission Matters

Impactful Team
Impactful Team

Pairing kids dealing with chronic illnesses with college athletes makes everyone’s world bigger.

Water Dance
Water Dance

As fire, drought, and the climate crisis threaten. Can art drive people to change? One multimedia dance event tries to change how you see water.

Absorbing Appalachia
Absorbing Appalachia

In this immersion trip through the Ignatian Center, students take on the complex cultural, environmental, and socioeconomic issues of Appalachia.

Tiny History
Tiny History

What can you learn from really old notes? A lot, at least when SCU students study an ancient clay tablet.

Mic Drop
Mic Drop

Jamie Gussman ’22 co-founded a new non-profit, Voices Heard SF, to act as a liaison between those who’ve been muted and those who can help.

Overwhelmed, In Color
Overwhelmed, In Color

Art and art history lecturer Jessica Eastburn’s paintings “information overload” were exhibited at the Maude Kerns Art Center in Oregon.

Tenacious Degree Holders
Tenacious Degree Holders

When they were incoming freshmen, the class of 2021 could have never predicted the rough road ahead. But despite the pandemic forcing them off campus for their final year and a half, they graduated—in person and in style.

Elite Research
Elite Research

This year’s Beckman scholarship recipients will conduct research into polymers and plant proteins.