
Play—whether via imagination or with perspective—never stops being important to a person’s development.


Professor Jane Curry reflects on her history in Ukraine.


A single donation from Acting University President Lisa Kloppenberg inspired others during a Day of Giving challenge.

Letters: Fall 2021
Letters: Fall 2021

Readers discuss what we missed about filmmaking alumni, palm trees, and our own inherent biases. Plus, SCM wins awards.

Don’t Look Away
Don’t Look Away

In late summer, as American troops quickly left Afghanistan after more than 20 years of occupation, people watched closely the crush of refugees fleeing as the Taliban took over just as quickly. It’s up to us to keep watching.

The Gift of Experience
The Gift of Experience

SCU Trustee Jack Lewis and wife Carolyn are passionate about education for all. Their donation to the Miller Center will empower students working in disenfranchised communities.

New on Campus
New on Campus

Coming back after a long time away, things on campus may look the same—but students will find some surprises.