Julia Yaffee

Julia Yaffee
Malaysia as seen by Peace Corps volunteer Julia Yaffee

Senior assistant dean of External Affairs at SCU’s School of Law

Malaysia 1973-75

Julia Yaffee, senior assistant dean of External Affairs at SCU’s School of Law, and her family lived in Malaysia from 1973-75, where she trained media professionals from 23 countries in broadcast media. Her husband provided training in computerized accounting, and their children (ages 4 and 5 at the time) were in school.

For Generations

Michael Bedolla ’06, J.D. ’14 and Christina Bedolla ’11, J.D. ’14 welcomed baby Elizabeth Marie into their growing Bronco family.

Reaching New Heights

After a national search, Manuel Perez ’04 has been selected as the College of San Mateo’s new president.

Bases Loaded

Former SCU softball star Ashley Trierweiler ’23 hits the big leagues.

Golden Drive

Matt McCarty ’21 moved from a close loss to earning his PGA Tour spot with back-to-back wins.