Looking Up
Looking Up

Spotted by stargazers this summer, during a profoundly difficult period for humanity, NEOWISE reminded us to look up, together.

Disease Has No Race
Disease Has No Race

Assistant professor of counseling psychology Sherry Wang knows the fear of being Asian amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Here’s her advice.

Santa Clara at the Synod
Santa Clara at the Synod

Dean of the Jesuit School of Theology Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, S.J., was called to serve at the synod in Rome, a multi-year process of listening and dialogue.

A Drop in a Desert
A Drop in a Desert

Intensifying heat waves and droughts are drying up river beds around the world. SCU and Silicon Valley Power launch Sustainable Futures Program to promote eco-conscious students.


Professor Jane Curry reflects on her history in Ukraine.

Don’t Look Away
Don’t Look Away

In late summer, as American troops quickly left Afghanistan after more than 20 years of occupation, people watched closely the crush of refugees fleeing as the Taliban took over just as quickly. It’s up to us to keep watching.

Demanding Change
Demanding Change

We are called to build a better future by our Jesuit roots, and to fight for those affected by the climate crisis.


Find these children on a map: Tornillo, Texas, amid their tent compound.


Bracing for Irma: satellite’s-eye-view. Why was hurricane season so destructive?


Vigil for justice: In summer protests, Poles take to the streets to try to save their independent judiciary.


Hillsides covered in purple, orange, and yellow flowers give a moment of gratitude.


Worries of water in a drought-ravaged state.