Back to Work
Back to Work

California voters sent two Santa Clara alumni back to the halls of Congress

Leading Arts
Leading Arts

First-gen college student tapped for Arts and Culture Commission for City of Gilroy

Golden Honor
Golden Honor

The second-longest held American prisoner of war, Everett Alvarez Jr. ’60, is nominated for a Congressional Gold Medal.

Income, Guaranteed
Income, Guaranteed

Bronco alumni have their hands all over a new program that gives vulnerable families in Silicon Valley no-strings-attached cash and aims to prove guaranteed income works.

From Scratch
From Scratch

The new leader of SCU’s adolescent mental health concentration wants to design better mental healthcare delivery systems to help more kids, now.


Play—whether via imagination or with perspective—never stops being important to a person’s development.

Spiritual Soup
Spiritual Soup

With a little bit of this, a dash of that, and a sprinkling of something else, humans are customizing their own spiritual traditions. But when does it become less about spirituality and more about shopping?