Radiant Energy
Radiant Energy

Sowmya Ayyar ’00 and Madeleine Sears ’11 founded a yoga organization in Bangalore, India, that assists children with special needs.

Havana Now
Havana Now

Havana is on the minds of many stateside—in a way it hasn’t been in more than 50 years.

Sugar Squared
Sugar Squared

The Broncos won back-to-back Sugar Bowl titles in 1937 and 1938. For his exploits, Al Wolff ’40 was named All-American two years in a row.

Sweet Lady Carolyn
Sweet Lady Carolyn

At Santa Clara in the late ’50s and ’60s, Carolyn Cassady was known for her costume design for theatre productions.

Mission Matrimony
Mission Matrimony

Even though Michelle Donecho ’05, M.A. ’10 and Chris Duchesne ’06 both attended the same high school before coming to Santa Clara for college, somehow their paths never crossed until an eHarmony date almost three years ago.

Bronco Family
Bronco Family

Bronco family defines both work and home for Joe Albers ’02, M.A. ’09 and Karen Dazols Albers ’04.

In memoriam
In memoriam

A physics professor who taught his students more than just science: remembering Professor Emeritus Carl Hayn, S.J.