

Tough call
Tough call

Mike Carey ’71 reveals what it takes to earn your stripes as a head ref in the NFL.

Redefining nature
Redefining nature

Is it the end of wilderness as we know it? And could genetically modified crops be better for the environment? Read what SCU scientists are saying.

Kabul’s splendid son
Kabul’s splendid son

On the heels of A Thousand Splendid Suns, the second novel by Khaled Hosseini ’88, comes the long-awaited film adaptation of The Kite Runner.

How to win a cosmic war
How to win a cosmic war

Reza Aslan ’95 says the battlefield for jihadists isn’t Baghdad. It’s not even in this world. But if you fight the enemy on their terms, they win.

Panetta on Iraq
Panetta on Iraq

A Q&A with Leon Panetta ’60, J.D. ’63, member of the Iraq Study Group and chief of staff for President Clinton.


Can community-based learning change the nature of higher education?