Santa Clara Snapshot: 1942

1942 was a year of great change for the Mission Campus as the country ramped up for war.


  • 1 Japanese “Zero” fighter shot down by 1st Lt. Robert L. McDonald ’42 on Oct. 3, 1942
  • 3 chaplains from University aid war effort: Raymond Copeland, S.J.,W. H. Crowley, S.J., Cyril Kavanagh, S.J.
  • 5 cents per issue of The Santa Clara newspaper
  • 10 seniors join the military during their final collegiate year, preventing them from receiving their degrees that spring
  • 18 years of age replaces the previous age for service of 21, per the War Department’s announcement
  • 90 percent-plus of Santa Clara students are engaged in the pursuit of a military course of one nature or another
  • 497 students register for the second semester of the 1941–42 year
  • 5,000-word, typewritten thesis required for all degrees
  • $200,000 University debt for building Nobili Hall (erected in 1930), providing urgently needed modern kitchen and dining halls, and additional living quarters for lay faculty and students
ROTC student stands at ease
Photo from The Redwod
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