Markets, inequality, and poverty

Recognizing the transcendent dignity of the human person and the requirement to alleviate poverty and foster a more equitable society, some practical steps were promoted:

Recognizing the transcendent dignity of the human person and the requirement to alleviate poverty and foster a more equitable society, some practical steps were promoted:

  • Help the poor improve the quality of their services and products to meet international standards and help them find sustainable markets globally so they earn higher returns for their labor;
  • Organize local self-help groups and cooperatives to instill in the poor the habit of thrift and increase their collective creditworthiness;
  • Focus on some segment among the growing service sectors, and empower the youth among the poor to capitalize on emerging opportunities;
  • Introduce organic farming, food processing, packing, and marketing; and
  • Where there is a great demand in affluent countries, train youths and find employment for them in skilled physical labor like driving, plumbing, and care of children, the elderly, and ill.
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