Skate Great

SCU’s very own figure skating champion is prepping up for the 2018 Winter Olympics.

It’s rare for elite skaters to follow a traditional education path and compete on the international stage.

Physical strength, artistry, and confidence make a skater great, says two-time U.S. figure skating silver medalist and Olympic and World team member Polina Edmunds ’20. Her training (two to three hours a day, six days a week) includes conditioning and ballet practice. The global attention of the Sochi games was intense, but the Olympic village had moments of levity. Athletes got around by bike, but U.S. figure skaters were prohibited by coaches out of concerns for safety. Other athletes would ask Edmunds if she wanted a ride on the handlebars. “No, thank you,” she’d say. Her next goal: making the 2018 Olympics in South Korea. “I’m proud to represent the Bay Area, and now I’m going to be representing SCU as well!”

post-image Polina Edmunds ’20 posted this photo on Instagram with the caption, “SCU bound!!” It now has more than 3,700 likes. Photo courtesy Polina Edmunds
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Sociology, Gen Ed, and Breaking the Rules

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