Fr. Jett

Working for the betterment of the planet and the poor—at the same time.

Fr. Jett
Photo by Joanne Lee
Working for the betterment of the planet and the poor—at the same time

In April, Ateneo de Manila University President Jose Ramon “Jett” Villarin, S.J., delivered the annual Santa Clara Lecture. His topic: “The Pope, the Poor, and the Planet.” Villarin was a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) when it received a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Given the ecological risks that face us and the uneven distribution of responsibilities, he said, how can we overcome a sense of fragmentation and insularity? He encouraged the audience to find pathways of hope and inspiration to help care for our common home.

Watch a video on his lecture here.

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