A Day for You, a Life for Others

As the class of 2016 embarks on new adventures, they are reminded of the importance of friendship, love, and loyalty.

A Day for You, a Life for Others
“Our interactions [are] the birthplace of friendships, of understanding, of love, of loyalty and intimacy,” Carolyn Woo said during her commencement speech in June. View full image. Photo by Joanne Lee
As the class of 2016 embarks on new adventures, they are reminded of the importance of friendship, love, and loyalty.

In addition to an honorary doctor of public service for Carolyn Woo, a pair of honorary doctorates in education were conferred on Charles Geschke, co-founder of Adobe Systems, and his wife, Nancy Geschke, for their philanthropic work in Catholic education. Chuck Geschke also serves on the advisory board for the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Michael E. Kennedy, S.J., executive director and founder of the Jesuit Restorative Justice Initiative, was given an honorary doctorate in pastoral ministry for his lifelong commitment to people at the margins, including, most recent, incarcerated young people who have been tried as adults. Before founding the organization, Fr. Kennedy was pastor at Dolores Mission in Los Angeles, working with families whose lives were torn apart by gang violence and crime.

Watch her whole speech here.

Her moment: CHIARA DE BLASIO ’16 and proud parents Chirlane McCray and Bill de Blasio—the mayor of the Big Apple. Photo by Joanne Lee

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