New publications from SCU alumni.
Bart Lally ’85, vice president of Marcoa Publishing, has published The Northern California Experience (Marcoa Publishing, 2008), on oversized and gorgeous guide to the Golden State, showcasing the food, art, and fun in such settings as the Bay Area, Wine Country, and Silicon Valley. With photos from Big Sur to the Russian River to the Sierra Nevada, the book also offers an array of travel suggestions and resources.

The Juggling Act
As a top exec with 30 years’ experience at Intel, Pat Gelsinger ’83 has learned a thing or two about factors in the work-life equation. The Juggling Act: Bringing Balance to Your Faith, Family, and Work (David C. Cook Publishing, 2008) updates Balancing Your Family, Faith, and Work, published in 2005. It focuses on Gelsinger’s testimony and life experiences, incorporating seven principles for managing daily priorities; the new volume includes reflective questions at the end of each chapter and an afterword by his wife, Linda. As One Minute Manager Ken Blanchard notes, there are “great learnings here for everyone.”

Censored 2009
Censored 2009: The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007-08 (Seven Stories Press, 2008) marks the 11th volume in this series chronicling under-reported news that really matters. Co-editor Peter Phillips ’70, who directs Project Censored, is an associate professor of sociology at Sonoma State University. In addition to stories on “Seizing War Protesters’ Assets,” “Tracking Billions of Dollars Lost in Iraq,” and “CARE Rejects U.S. Food Aid,” Phillips et al. include a chapter on what’s happened to previous Censored stories. Lest you think all the reading is grim, there’s a chapter on the top “junk food” news: fare including the Britney Spears saga, Lindsay Lohan going to jail, and David Hasselhoff falling off the wagon.
From the business shelf: Selling Real Estate Services: Third-Level Secrets of Top Producers (Wiley, 2008), by commercial real estate sales and strategy speaker, trainer, and consultant Robert A. Potter ’77, offers a system focused on client-centered communication skills meant to solidify long-term partnerships. Marketing Campaign Development: What Marketing Executives Need to Know About Architecting Global Integrated Marketing Campaigns (Happy About, 2008), by Mike Gospe ’85, MBA ’91, prescribes a go-to market strategy for high-tech leaders and other managers to map out increased customer response rates.