Building Community

From the Marines to community building, Sgt. Keanu Spindola ’24 brings discipline and dedication to his campus leadership roles.

Building Community
Photo courtesy of Sgt. Keanu Spindola ’24.

The Marines, Sgt. Keanu Spindola ’24 says, made him the man he is today. They instilled a lot of grit and discipline within myself,” he says. That discipline comes in handy as Spindola studies real estate, business, and construction management while working as CEO of his family’s construction firm. He also helps build community on campus through his role as president of the Student Veterans Organization.

“This past year, as president, my priorities have been to bring awareness to my community and to also advocate for a Student Veteran Resource Center. That is a physical space for us to come together, talk about our classes, get some homework done—just in an environment where we feel the most comfortable. That way we could build that same sense of camaraderie that we had in the military into an academic environment, so we can go into the classrooms and provide a greater impact for not only our peers, but faculty, professors and staff alike.”

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