
Jose Alvarez ’02 engineered affordable leggings for a cause.

Design the perfect leggings? No problem, says Jose Alvarez ’02. He co-founded Love Her, a women’s sportswear brand, after watching his wife buy a pair for a woman who couldn’t afford them.

“I didn’t know that leggings were $80,” he says. “My wife said, ‘Man, all she needs is somebody to love her.’ That was it—that’s where we got the name.”

Love Her makes high-quality leggings for a fraction of the cost. Alvarez broke down brand-name leggings stitch by stitch and interviewed women to understand what makes a top-notch pair of leggings.

“Once I got the prototypes, I gave some to my sisters. Growing up, they were the hardest people in the world to please,” he says. When they came back with praises, Alvarez knew he had something. Love Her donates leggings to charities and a local hospital in Sacramento.

A Steadfast Pursuit of Fairness

Remembering the Honorable Edward Panelli ’53, J.D. ’55, Hon. ’86, who showed unwavering dedication to the legal profession and his beloved Santa Clara University.

Kind of a Big Dill

This pickleball prodigy’s journey from finance to the courts is a power play.

New Tech, New Storytelling Tricks

In his latest book, educator Michael Hernandez ’93 explores alternative ways to teach by embracing digital storytelling.