Wine in a Pandemic: A note from SCM

A wish for health for us all—May we soon celebrate together again

Wine in a Pandemic: A note from SCM

Grape harvesting and winemaking are old traditions—both of humankind and at Santa Clara. Often we imbibe in communion with one another and God. As this magazine goes to press, those in-person exchanges of thoughts and feelings are on hold in an attempt to quell a new, global virus. It is our dearest hope that by the time this magazine reaches you, we can again raise a glass together, in-person and in fellowship. We send this out with a prayer for the health of us all. In that spirit: saluti, sante, salud, prost, chúc sú’c khoe—or simply, good health to you!

A Wealth of Well-Being

In his new book, SCU’s Leavey School of Business Glenn Klimek Professor of Finance Meir Statman explores a holistic approach to financial and life well-being.

Unpacking Utopia

The latest trend among billionaires? Building perfect cities from the ground up. But if perfection is impossible, what can they do to create a city that lasts?

A Woman’s Place

Despite being cut off from some levers of power within the Catholic Church, women continue to find ways to lead.

Increasing Access

Discerning one’s dream requires a whole set of experiences based on community, opportunity, and, yes, cash. Santa Clara helps first-generation students discover their paths through various means of support.