The Path I’m On

The Miller Center’s Global Social Benefit Fellowship launched its first class onto lives of service and care.

“It opened up my worldview,” says Kirsten Peterson ’13 of her time drafting technical documents to help people in Uganda maintain solar power systems. “The work had an obvious social impact. I always try to keep that in mind.”

Peterson is one of 250 student-fellows who have traveled and worked through Miller Center’s Global Social Benefit Fellowship since its 2012 launch. She was in the first class of fellows. Meet that whole class here.

Today, Peterson is still in energy—developing technology to keep people safe by de-energizing downed wires before they hit the ground.

Co-fellow Ashley Armstrong ’13 traveled to Paraguay and helped women entrepreneurs with the organization Fundacion Paraguaya. Today she works for Microsoft and runs a firm that uses drones to provide disaster relief.

“The fellowship sent me on the path I’m on,” Armstrong says. What journeys can you empower?


Victoria Yundt ’13

Jumped in with both feet at Solar Sister in Uganda. Now an attorney with Lawyers for America.


Stella Tran ’13

Worked with Whirlwind Wheelchair International to assist poor, disabled individuals in Vietnam and the Philippines. Now with Acumen Fund.


Kirsten Peterson ’13

In Kampala, Uganda, worked with Solar Sister. Now works on safety with San Diego Gas & Electric.


Amanda Nelson ’13

Helped female entrepreneurs combat poverty in Paraguay. Now a senior consultant at Ernst & Young in London.


Misa Mascovich ’13

Learned storytelling skills shooting video with Solar Sister in Uganda. Now with the Anita Borg Institute, helping advance women in tech.


Michelle Maddex ’13

Researched how loan processes affected female entrepreneurs in Paraguay. Now works at San Francisco’s Mission Neighborhood Health Center.


Nate Funkhouser ’13

Through interviews, helped Whirlwind Wheelchair International design a more rugged wheelchair for Vietnam and the Philippines. Now a recruiter at Google.


Dani Dhanoa ’13

Worked with E Health Point in rural India to expand access to safe drinking water and affordable health care. Now an entrepreneur.


Nicky Nienow Birch ’13

Planned a new clean water distribution model and insurance plans with E Health Point in India. Now a medical student in Oregon.


Ashley Armstrong ’13

Worked with female entrepreneurs in Paraguay. Goal today: being an entrepreneur in her own right, with social impact.

A Steadfast Pursuit of Fairness

Remembering the Honorable Edward Panelli ’53, J.D. ’55, Hon. ’86, who showed unwavering dedication to the legal profession and his beloved Santa Clara University.

Kind of a Big Dill

This pickleball prodigy’s journey from finance to the courts is a power play.

New Tech, New Storytelling Tricks

In his latest book, educator Michael Hernandez ’93 explores alternative ways to teach by embracing digital storytelling.