
It’s no secret that we’re building something wonderful at Santa Clara. Come and explore the future of the Mission campus.

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Jim Lyons
15 April 2019

It’s no secret that we’re building something wonderful at Santa Clara. We have new homes for the arts and for law. We’re building a new complex for the sciences and engineering—to foster collaboration and discovery across disciplines. We’re building a first-rate training facility for our student athletes. And to open Santa Clara’s doors to more students, we’re building a new residence hall as well.

These structures are beautiful—and built to educate leaders of tomorrow. They’re also grounded in a sense of community and tradition, and an understanding that learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom.

What’s really important is what these places mean for people: the possibilities they create for our students and the dedicated faculty who teach them, and who guide them in research that makes the world a better place.

When we open these new buildings, we’re also opening doors of opportunity—where we educate the whole person and where we innovate for the world. And when we construct something that we want to last, we know the foundation is important—especially when it comes to values.

So take a look at what we’re building—and the transformation taking place at Santa Clara. The students we’re educating are going to do incredible things, in no small part thanks to support from people like you. We’re creating vital new opportunities for Santa Clara students now—and for generations to come. We hope you’ll join us.

Jim Lyons
Vice President for University Relations

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