Room for Growth

Property Broncos.

SCU Alumni Association Board Member Matt McCormick ’87 looks at the biggest names in real estate in the Bay Area and sees Santa Clara graduates. But McCormick, a real estate professional serving most of California, thinks SCU is just scratching the surface when it comes to connecting alumni in his field. That’s where the new SCU Real Estate Industry Group can play a big role: workshops, networking for buyers and sellers, and improving technology. What if SCU grads living in Dallas could search a database for Bronco real estate agents in their backyard? McCormick says it could happen. “Santa Clara and real estate makes total sense. What a great way for Santa Clara to take the lead.” Taking the lead of the new group: co-presidents Gina Blancarte-Millard ’99 and Carrick Young ’17.
post-image Photo by Peter Dazeley/Getty Images
Bay Dreams

Two Broncos make hometown moves in the 2024 MLB Draft.

Ivy? Who Needs Em!

Santa Clara University ranks No. 8 among 100 colleges whose graduates go on to earn the most.


Santa Clara men‘s basketball great Josip Vrankic ’21 is returning to his home country as he signs on with the Vancouver Bandits.

AI Can’t Believe It

Two brainy Broncos are honored for their contributions to AI innovation.