Mag Stage LIVE!

Writers, thinkers, and doers who fill the pages of the magazine took to the stage—for the inaugural season of events around the country and internationally.

Mag Stage LIVE!
Santa Clara Magazine editor Steven Saum and Shannon Vallor

We took the mag on the road in recent months—for the inaugural Santa Clara Magazine LIVE. Alumni, parents, and friends joined us for a quartet of events in the U.S. and one in the U.K.

For audiences in Chicago, Denver, London, Berkeley, and Mountain View, we produced an edition in person: Mission Matters, with University news updates from President Michael Engh, S.J., and Jesuit School of Theology Dean Kevin O’Brien, S.J., with video interviews with some of the students and teaching scholars who bring ethics and innovation to their work on campus.

The Feature Well included talks and conversations with the thinkers and doers whose ideas fill our pages. Professor of Engineering Christopher Kitts took us into outer space and underwater with satellites and robots.

Allison Kopf ’11 tackled agriculture and ethics and feeding the world; she’s CEO of the startup Agrilyst, and while a student hear was project manager for the SCU team in the Solar Decathlon—in which the house they built won third on the planet.

Michael S. Malone ’75, MBA ’77

Professor of Philosophy Shannon Vallor unpacked the ethical challenges we need to face in “Lessons from the AI Mirror.” (Don’t like what you see? Perhaps it’s not the mirror to blame, but what it is reflecting back in a distorted way.)

And Michael S. Malone ’75, MBA ’77 traced how the center of gravity is shifting in Silicon Valley—toward Santa Clara; and how, with the automation revolution, we’re on the cusp of a societal “phase change” on par with the invention of agriculture and the industrial revolution. After this, nothing will be the same—and we won’t even be able to remember what life was like.

In London, Dorian Llywelyn, S.J., executive director of the Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education, hosted alumni for dinner and conversation.

The magazine would not be complete without Bronco News, of course. That’s where we brought the evening back to our audience with a Q&A, hosted by editor Steven Boyd Saum. Followed, of course, by a reception for Broncos to chat one-on-one with speakers and to connect with one another.

SNAPSHOTS: Check out photos from Santa Clara Magazine LIVE at the Computer History Museum

READ MORE: from and about the people who brought Santa Clara Magazine LIVE to stage

For Generations

Michael Bedolla ’06, J.D. ’14 and Christina Bedolla ’11, J.D. ’14 welcomed baby Elizabeth Marie into their growing Bronco family.

Reaching New Heights

After a national search, Manuel Perez ’04 has been selected as the College of San Mateo’s new president.

Bases Loaded

Former SCU softball star Ashley Trierweiler ’23 hits the big leagues.

Golden Drive

Matt McCarty ’21 moved from a close loss to earning his PGA Tour spot with back-to-back wins.