Fly Me To the Moon

‘It’s only the beginnin’, folks,’ Jimmy Durante said at the first Golden Circle Theatre Party. Fifty years on, here are some of the stars who have shined at that party.

For 50 years, SCU’s Board of Fellows has hosted a gala that brings entertainers of the first magnitude—from Ol’ Blue Eyes to the King of the Blues.

The Golden Circle Theatre Party is the signature celebration of a group that has raised friends by the scores and scholarship funds by the millions for SCU. The brainchild of Walter Schmidt, S.J., and actor Fess Parker (who emceed the event for many years), the party was directed for more than a decade by late showbiz producer Marty Pasetta ’54. We lost Marty last year.

In January 2016, topping the bill for the golden anniversary of the Golden Circle: Tony Bennett, who at 89 charms young and old with a voice rich and mellow. When he took the crowd on a journey of song to see what life is like on Jupiter and Mars, he set aside the mic. Entirely under his own power, the hall echoed with song.

Here are some stars we’ve seen in the Golden Circle