The Bronco community is here—and there, and everywhere

Keep Santa Clara close, no matter where you live.

Demanding careers. Overflowing to-do lists. Family commitments. It can be difficult to find time for your alma mater, regardless of how much you love this place.

But thanks to social media, it’s easier than ever to stay close to Santa Clara, no matter where you live. Searching for a new job or looking for networking opportunities? We can help with that. Want to find alumni events in your neck of the woods? We’ve made that easier, too. Looking for important news from the University? We’ve got that—and more.

Check out all the ways to stay connected and start tapping the power of the Santa Clara community today.

Where can I plug in to University and alumni news?

The Alumni Association Facebook page ( facebook) is one of the best ways to stay connected to all things Santa Clara. Join other SCU alumni and “like” the page to get updates, learn about Broncos making a difference in the world, meet and interact with other alumni, and win prizes on Trivia Tuesdays and Throwback Thursdays. You can also get the latest and greatest news, photos, and videos by following us on Twitter (


What about job opportunities?

Whether you’re just starting out in the workforce, going through a career transition, or a seasoned pro, join our trusted community of alumni, faculty, staff, and current students in the official Santa Clara University & Alumni Association LinkedIn group ( Expand your network—and discover professional opportunities from Broncos who know the value of hiring Broncos.

Curious to know which Santa Clara alums in New York are PR experts or how many SCU English majors work at Google? LinkedIn Alumni is a tool that allows you to explore the career paths of more than 47,000 Broncos worldwide. From your profile, select Find Alumni under the Network tab. From there, view graphic, searchable information about where your fellow Broncos work, what they do, and where they live.


I’m interested in seeing and sharing photos.

Can you believe how beautiful the fountain looks on the new walkway down Palm Drive? Follow the Alumni Association on Instagram ( to keep up with happenings today on the Mission Campus, from noteworthy speakers to major construction and improvements.

Been to Vintage Santa Clara, your reunion, or an alumni event recently? Check out Flickr( for photos from all your favorite events, trips, and activities.


I just moved to Chicago. How can I connect with other Broncos in the Windy City?

We have more than 30 regional alumni Facebook groups ( chapters). Join one to meet and network with Broncos in your area. You’ll be in the know on every local SCU basketball game watch party, community service opportunity, happy hour, or educational lecture. We want you to feel close to Santa Clara, even if you don’t live close to Santa Clara.


Where can I find it all in one place?

All you need to know about your Bronco Community—including alumni events, career resources, service projects, spiritual programs, lifelong learning, travel opportunities, and all of our social media channels—can be found on the Alumni Association website ( Have you visited us lately?

See you online!

Kathryn Kale ’86
Assistant Vice President, Alumni Relations

post-image Illustration by Samira Almendras '14
For Generations

Michael Bedolla ’06, J.D. ’14 and Christina Bedolla ’11, J.D. ’14 welcomed baby Elizabeth Marie into their growing Bronco family.

Reaching New Heights

After a national search, Manuel Perez ’04 has been selected as the College of San Mateo’s new president.

Bases Loaded

Former SCU softball star Ashley Trierweiler ’23 hits the big leagues.

Golden Drive

Matt McCarty ’21 moved from a close loss to earning his PGA Tour spot with back-to-back wins.