1 four-woman show at the de Saisset Museum, including work by Judy Chicago and Bonnie Sherk. The installation by Sherk is described as a “total environment show” and includes trees, bushes, railings, pigs, mice, chickens, roosters, and rabbits.
6 female cadets join Santa Clara’s ROTC program as it expands to accommodate women.
24 rats and student trainers compete in inaugural SCU Rat Race Invitational.
99 cents for the All You Can Eat Spaghetti Special at Straw Hat Pizza Palace.
800 people (Santa Clarans and otherwise) sing “Happy Birthday” to Ben Swig, longtime friend of the University, at a celebration for his 80th birthday.
1,350 pounds of marijuana, with a value of $90,000 (“and that ain’t hay”) confiscated in Santa Cruz County and burned by sheriff’s deputies, according to the “In the Noose” column in the student newspaper, The Santa Clara.
$2 million Bannan Hall dedicated on Oct. 19.