Call her All-Star

Maplewood standout Meagan Fulps ’13 heads to China.

Call her All-Star
Photo by Denis Concordel

When she got the call in April asking her to go to China, Meagan Fulps ’13 was focused on the work still to do on her senior capstone project in filmmaking. But that invitation began something like a movie with her in a starring role: She’s a point guard on an elite crew of women from across the country, the NetScouts Basketball All-Star Team, coached by former SCU women’s basketball coach Chris Denker. In the first half of May they traveled to China to take on teams from China, Brazil, and Australia.

Hometown: Littleton, Colo.

Bronco career: No. 7 on all-time scoring list with 1,297 points and multiple West Coast Conference honors.

Advice: “Never forget how much you love the game.”

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