Looking Bright

5 Broncos launch their Fulbright journeys. Here’s a look at where they are going.

After two years of restricted travel, five Broncos are setting off on Fulbrights–Michele Canny ’19, David Diebold ’20, Chris Wanis ’21, Cate Ralph ‘22, and Maggie Menendez ‘22 will study and teach abroad.

In Italy, Canny will map and catalog nonprofits and community-based organizations assisting migrant women in Sicily. She studied abroad in Italy during her junior year and when she interned at a migration center in Brindisi, Italy, through SCU’s Real Program. There she shadowed an immigration attorney, an experience that cemented her passion for justice.

After completing her Fulbright program, Canny plans to attend law school and become an immigration or human rights attorney.

Diebold is also returning to familiar ground—Ghana, where he visited as an SCU Global Fellow. As a Fulbright scholar, he hopes to help optimize emergency medical response systems through drone technology.

Wanis and Menendez will teach English in Mexico and Columbia, respectively. Mendez will also study artistic traditions. Ralph heads to India to research the impact of gender perceptions.

“I hope to accelerate women’s empowerment to see a world where all women feel confident speaking up in male-dominated spaces, where women’s lives aren’t chosen for them, and where men are role models for gender equity,” Ralph says.

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