Overwhelmed, In Color

Art and art history lecturer Jessica Eastburn’s paintings “information overload” were exhibited at the Maude Kerns Art Center in Oregon.

There are many legitimate ways to respond to the barrage of imagery—advertising! social media! all media!—in modern life. Art and art history lecturer Jessica Eastburn painted her response as part of a show that ran in Maude Kerns Art Center in Eugene, Ore., in summer 2021.

The exhibit, “Imagery Overload,” featured several artists’ interpretations of how they respond to social and commercial imagery of modern life. Eastburn’s cartoonishly wild and colorful, imagery-packed paintings mimic the “cacophony of information” available to us at any given moment.

First-Time Grads

Overcoming all odds due to the pandemic, the Class of ’24 finally get to experience the graduation that they have long been waiting for.

Brain Games

The therapeutic potential of AI-powered brain implants is no doubt exciting. But questions abound about the inevitable ethical ramifications of putting new, largely unregulated tech into human beings.

Sociology, Gen Ed, and Breaking the Rules

Fewer students are majoring in social sciences but they’re still one of the most popular areas of study. Santa Clara sociologists explain why.