In the news: Climate Change

Explore legal, ethical, and faith-based thinking on the issue.


The Most Important Lawsuit on the Planet


Change the Game

Photo of girl with her bike destroyed in Santa Rosa wildfire touches hearts


Global Warming-Enhanced Wildfires

Continual denial of the human causes, effects, and likely impacts of climate change for short-term economic gain and political expediency weakens those commitments and silently accepts that we leave those that are least able to adapt in harm’s way.

In Search of Verdure

Santa Clara students and faculty are on a quest for greener pastures.

Make AI the Best of Us

What we get out of artificial intelligence depends on the humanity we put into it.

The Co-Op

Santa Clara University has long been a bastion of interdisciplinary learning. A new fund is taking cross-collaboration to new heights.

Human at Heart

How Santa Clara University is distinguishing itself as a leader in one of the fastest-growing industries in the nation.