Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce

Giannina Ong ’18 shares what being a Bronco means to her.

Though she be but little, she is fierce. Shakespeare wrote that. I am Giannina Ong ’18. The tennis roster lists me at 5-foot-3. I use every inch of that on and off the court. Santa Clara is a special home for me. I was baptized in the Mission Church by Dennis Smolarski, S.J. I am the daughter of two immigrants, one a Bronco. I wouldn’t be here without the paths Santa Clara has created. Being a Bronco is not just about being captain of women’s tennis or a triple major (English, classics, and women’s and gender studies—with a minor in retail management). It’s about heart. I juggle classes with working on-campus: for two years, assisting Professor of Philosophy Shannon Vallor, and now with this magazine and on a Hackworth Fellowship focusing on sports and ethics with Ann Skeet. As president of Alpha Sigma Nu, the Jesuit honors society, I volunteer at women’s shelters and soup kitchens. Because the little things matter.

Thanks for supporting students like Giannina.

post-image Photography by Jim Gensheimer View full image
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