CHARLES BARRYphotographed “Hats off to you” and has told the story of the University in pictures for more than 25 years. |
JACK BOWENwrote “Use your head” and is on the board of SCU’s Institute of Sports Law and Ethics (ISLE) and writes regularly for the ISLE blog. In September he hosted the closing session of the Sports Law and Ethics Symposium at SCU. His books include If You Can Read This: The Philosophy of Bumper Stickers. He teaches philosophy and coaches water polo at Menlo School. |
LUCÍA CERNAtells her own story—of life in El Salvador and the United States—in full for the first time in the book La Verdad: A Witness to the Salvadoran Martyrs, written with Mary Jo (Hull) Ignoffo ’78. “The open window” is an excerpt. |
DENIS CONCORDELphotographed Katie Le ’14 for “Big serve” and our back cover. The Summer magazine featured his shot of basketball players Nici Gilday ’15 and Jared Brownridge ’17. |
KELLY DETWEILERcreated the collage of beloved colleague Victor Vari for “Nota bene.” Detweiler has taught and made art at Santa Clara for more than three decades. |
DIANE DREHERwrites farewell to colleague Betty Moran in “Leading with heart.” She is a professor of English at SCU. |
RON HANSEN M.A. ’95wrote “Hearing the cry of the poor: The Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador.” He is the author of novels, essays, poems, and more, and he is the Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J., Professor in the Arts and Humanities. He’s also the literary editor of this magazine. His most recent book is She Loves Me Not: New and Selected Stories. |
MARY JO (HULL) IGNOFFO ’78wrote “What do you stand for?” and draws from the work she did in writing La Verdad together with Lucía Cerna. She teaches history at De Anza College and is the author of five previous books. |
ANN KILLIONwrote “Football returns to Santa Clara” and has covered sports for more than two decades for publications including Sports Illustrated and the San Francisco Chronicle, where she’s now a columnist. |
JOHN PARRAcreated the opening illustration for “Hearing the cry of the poor.” He is an award-winning illustrator, designer, teacher, and fine art painter, living in Queens, New York. This is his first work for us. |
SAM SCOTT ’96wrote “Build it and they will come” and has won regional and national awards for his newspaper and magazine writing, including for his features appearing in our pages. |