Santa Clara University’s First Alumni Immersion Trip

AFO offers a volunteer opportunity in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Dec. 29, 2006 to Jan. 3, 2007

The SCU Alumni Association Alumni for Others (AFO) is offering an opportunity to volunteer in New Orleans to join in the effort to help the elderly, disabled, or low-income families, whose homes were flooded in August 2005 from Hurricane Katrina. We will be working with Operation Helping Hands, a volunteer program of Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans. Their mission is to assist the community in reoccupying their homes. The scope of our work will depend on the phase of reconstruction when we arrive.

• Arrive in New Orleans Dec. 28, 2006. Work Dec. 29-31 and Jan 2-3. (New Year’s Day is a holiday for Catholic Charities and an opportunity for our volunteers to visit the city.) Depart for home Jan. 4.

• Cost will be $400 for the week, which will cover simple meals and accommodations. (Airfare to New Orleans is not included.)

• All SCU alumni, family, and friends are welcome. Volunteers must be over 18 years old.

• For more information, contact Mary Modeste Smoker ’81 at or 408-554-5120 or toll-free 866-554- 6800. Information can also be found at kolvenbach/alumnitrip.cfm

post-image Photo: Patrick Semansky '06
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