SCU’s women’s soccer team celebrated its silver anniversary.
Welcome Class of 2005 to the Alumni Association family. We look forward to seeing you back on campus and at alumni events if your area.
On May 20, SCU’s women’s soccer team celebrated its silver anniversary. More than 170 current and former players (including yours truly), family members, fans, and friends were on hand to celebrate 25 years of camaraderie, tradition, and excellence. We all had so much fun we didn’t want the evening to end and promised ourselves we’d do it again in five years.
Nights like May 20 remind me of why it’s so important to stay connected to Santa Clara. As students, the friendships we form, the experiences we share, and the bonds we forge are unlike any other. As we move on, sometimes our SCU memories fade in the haze of everyday life. But being with my friends and teammates reminded me again of who I am, and it was energizing and enriching to be with them.
Did You Know?
On September 10, the 24th annual Gianera Society luncheon will take place on the Santa Clara campus. The Gianera Society was created by the Alumni Association in 1981 to officially recognize alumni whose class graduated from Santa Clara 50 or more years ago. Gianera Society members meet every year to induct their newest members and renew the lifelong friendships that developed at Santa Clara.
If you graduated from Santa Clara 50 or more years ago, you’ll receive additional information about the Gianera luncheon soon. We hope you will join us for this wonderful celebration.
What’s New
If you are from the class of 1960, 1965, 1970, or 1975, please mark your calendar for your reunion this October 21-23. In addition to marking the 40th anniversary of the first four-year undergraduate class of women at SCU, we will be hosting a homecoming luncheon, the State of the University address with SCU President Paul Locatelli, S.J. ’60, and we will present the 2005 Bannan Award, which recognizes individuals who have given distinguished and outstanding service to the Alumni Association and Santa Clara University. (If you’d like to nominate someone, please visit
Go Broncos!
Kathy Kale ’86 Executive Director, Alumni Association