Grant to aid storage at campus museum

The de Saisset Museum was awarded over $250,000 by the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Division of Preservation and Access.

The University’s de Saisset Museum was recently awarded more than $250,000 by the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Division of Preservation and Access.

The money will help fund the purchase and installation of high-density storage units to house the museum’s collection of 10,000 artifacts. “The new system will make the museum’s important collection much more accessible for teaching and outreach purposes,” said Rebecca Schapp, director of the de Saisset Museum. The price tag for the complete project is $517,762, Schapp said. The balance, after the NEH grant, is the museum’s contribution.

The Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal ranked the museum as the 23rd most popular tourist attraction in Silicon Valley, based on number of visitors in 2002.

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