
Elizabeth Bruno ’82, M.A. ’86 on hard work and hanging tough.

New to the board
New to the board

Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Haley ’81 joined SCU’s Board of Trustees in October 2014.

Bronze Bronco
Bronze Bronco

A new, physical manifestation of Bronco pride arrives on campus.


News and thoughts from our readers and community members.

The meaning of mercy
The meaning of mercy

A Q&A in the Mission Church with Cardinal Rodríguez, one of the most influential leaders of the Catholic Church today.

Art time
Art time

The de Saisset celebrates turning 60 by taking a closer look at the meaning of ‘family’.

Tune it in
Tune it in

Six recent graduates embark upon journeys made possible by Fulbright and NSF grants.

Space aces
Space aces

SCU boasts the country’s only student-run program for running satellites on the road.