A Bigger Stage Steven Boyd Saum, 15 Jun 2017 7 min read A Bigger Stage First priest, then social worker, CEO, and teller of stories: Jim Purcell on what drew him to Santa Clara.
The Cranky Jubilarian SCM Staff, 16 Nov 2015 2 min read The Cranky Jubilarian Professor emeritus of history and SCU historian Gerald McKevitt, S.J., told the history of Jesuits in the West. He wrote the definitive The University of Santa Clara.
Rest and Peace SCM Staff, 16 Nov 2015 2 min read Rest and Peace Tennant Wright, S.J., STL ’63 had a favorite bit of advice he gave to students: “Judge me harshly.” That rarely was the case with this devoted teacher and priest who came from unlikely roots.
The Baritone Voice SCM Staff, 16 Nov 2015 2 min read The Baritone Voice Remembering Theodore “Ted” Rynes, S.J., who pushed his students to do better and think deeper.