William “Bill” E. Terry ’55 was selected as a School of Engineering Centennial Award recipient for his contributions to engineering in Silicon Valley and to excellence in engineering education at SCU. Prior to his retirement in 1993, Terry was executive vice president of the Measurement Systems Sector and a director of the Hewlett-Packard Company, having worked his way through various positions since joining the company in 1957 as a sales engineer. Terry has taken a number of leadership roles within Silicon Valley, serving as chairman of the American Electronics Association, Santa Clara County Manufacturing Group, and Silicon Valley Community Foundation. He has also served as an advisory board member for the School of Engineering, and as a member of the Board of Regents and Board of Trustees for Santa Clara. He is a recipient of the School of Engineering Distinguished Alumnus Award. He and his wife, Janice, have been active proponents of excellence in Jesuit teaching, having established a professorship supporting the advancement of the academic quality and educational mission of SCU as a Jesuit and Catholic University, and a scholarship fund for undergraduate minority students pursuing a degree in engineering.