William "Bill" S. Carter ’71, MSEE ’95 was selected as a School of Engineering Centennial Award recipient in recognition of his many contributions to the profession of engineering and to his alma mater. While earning degrees in electrical engineering at SCU, he was selected for membership in three national honor societies: Tau Beta Pi (engineering), Eta Kappa Nu (electrical engineering), and Alpha Sigma Nu (Jesuit). This 30-year veteran of the tech industry began his career at Zilog, where he designed and managed the design of NMOS microprocessors and peripherals. He later joined Xilinx, where he helped pioneer the development on the first Field Programmable Gate Arrays, a market that Xilinx invented and continues to dominate. Today he is Xilinx Fellow, the highest position a person can earn on a technical level. A Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award recipient, Carter also serves on the School of Engineering’s Industry Advisory Board and currently is a member of SCU’s Board of Fellows, and member of the Center for Science, Technology, and Society Advisory Board. He has authored and co-authored several technical papers, holds 10 U.S. patents, and recently traveled to India with SCU faculty.