Tom Robinson ’74 is chair of the National Association of Convenience Stores. He is president of Santa Clara, Calif.-based Robinson Oil Corp. Robinson has been a member of the NACS Board of Directors since 2006. Most recently, he served as the NACS vice chairman-treasurer, overseeing the association’s financial plan. Before that, he served as NACS vice chairman of government relations. Robinson Oil Corporation operates 34 Rotten Robbie stores throughout the greater San Francisco Bay Area and markets fuel to commercial customers through the Pacific Pride and CFN commercial fueling networks. Robinson has been with the company since 1974. The fourth-generation company was founded in the 1930s and has been operating under the Rotten Robbie brand since 1973. Robinson earned a B.S. in economics from Santa Clara University. He is past president of the Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America (SIGMA) and is active in the California Independent Oil Marketers Association. He also is a life member of the 25 Year Club of the Petroleum Industry.

29 Oct 2018