Teresa Bugella ’78 passed away Aug. 21, 2014, in Menlo Park surrounded by her family. Her cancer was diagnosed less than a year ago, however the last week caught us all by surprise. Little did we know that when she walked to the hospital on Friday that she would leave us the following Thursday. The only beauty in this was that she suffered only a short while.
Teresa was the perfect hostess. We think even in her last few days she was making sure every one else was okay and comfortable…a giver to the last minute. Teresa loved each and every one of us with all of her heart, generously showering us with kindness and love. Never a harsh word or a negative thought but always with those brilliant blue eyes shinning down and her endless smile greeting us as she moved closer to give a ready hug.
Teresa would want us to remember her with love and her endless kindness. We are pretty sure that each of us will remember and love her forever, and yet miss her on a daily basis. Since we all seem to have had an amazing relationship with her, a connection between all will bind us together in friendship, just as she would have wanted it to be. So please hug each other, raise a glass if so inclined, and count ourselves blessed that we loved someone so wonderful and as importantly that she choose to love us.
She leaves behind husband Michael and children Colin and Alessia.