Spyros Barres ’84 beat out nearly 2,000 runners in the inaugural Citizens Bank Newport Pell Bridge Run on Nov. 13 in Rhode Island. Barres, 48, finished the 4.2-mile race in 22 minutes, 32 seconds. He was 35 seconds ahead of the runner-up. Barres, who has lived in Mystic, Rhode Island since 1984, is a real estate investor and manages apartment buildings. He played soccer and ran track at SCU. “Soccer and running have always been my passion,” Barres said in an interview with the Mystic River Press. “Just before I turned 40 I came down with Crohn’s Disease (an immune disorder affecting the digestive system). I wasn’t able to run much for almost 10 years, but did play soccer. I had surgery last year and have been asymptomatic ever since. I’ve done some road and trail races and half-marathons. For me, it’s a new life.”