Robert C. Kinne ’50, a Pleasanton resident for 40 years, died Jan. 28, 2011, at the age of 85. He was born in Santa Rosa to Charles and Elsa Kinne and educated in the Catholic schools by the Ursaline Sisters with whom he kept a frequent correspondence through gifts and donations. He is a graduate of Santa Clara University. He lived the Jesuit practice: Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me. Bob was a Navy veteran. He retired from Kaiser Aluminum, Pleasanton, as a research chemical analyst. He tested and perfected aluminum alloys used in commercial aircraft, automobiles, and building products. He was a man with multiple interests and talents: love of jazz and classical music, life-long interest in the American West, especially California, photographer, and hobbyist of classic ships and automobiles. Bob was generous with his prayers for others, his time, and his talents.