Friends of the University

SCU Men’s Lacrosse Head Coach Rick Blick died suddenly on Monday, June 2, from complications of a brain aneurism. Coach Blick coached the club team for two years, often suiting up with his players during practices.  His contagious fun loving personality, his positive spirit, and his love of lacrosse and our team will truly be missed. 

Coach Blick grew up on Long Island, NY, and attended Hobart College where he was a three time First Team All American goalie and USA World Team Player.  Coach Blick brought over 40 years of lacrosse playing and coaching experience. During his time here he has helped set the stage for positive momentum to strengthen the lacrosse program.
With his family, we mourn Coach Blick’s death and recall the gift he was to all. He will be missed, especially by the athletes who benefited from his care for them and camaraderie.
Notes of condolence may be sent to the Blick family, care of the Athletics Departmen.

08 Nov 2018