Miguel S. Demapan J.D. ’85, retired chief justice of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, passed away on June 30, 2012, in Saipan. During the course of his nearly 20-year career, Demapan served as both a Judge Pro Tempore in the Superior Court of Guam and Justice Pro Tempore of the Supreme Court of Guam. Chief Justice of Guam F. Philip Carbullido said, “We are saddened to hear of the passing of Chief Justice Miguel S. Demapan. He served the judiciaries of the CNMI, Guam, and Micronesia with integrity and fairness. His colleagues throughout the Marianas and Micronesia had the deepest respect and admiration for his untiring commitment to the Rule of Law. I join my colleagues in the CNMI, Guam, and Micronesia in extending our deepest sympathy to Frances and their children.”