Lynn Alison Samsel MBA ’87, age 56, passed away in God’s care on March 30, 2013. Born in San Francisco she relocated to Lincoln, Neb. in 1992. Frequent family visits thereafter to the San Francisco Bay Area always included, for restorative purposes, trips to the ocean and redwoods which she loved. An avid reader all her life Lynn was a poet and writer. She was a novitiate in the Order of St. Benedict and a spiritual director. Lynn graduated in 1974 from Westmont High School in Campbell, CA then went on to pursue academic degrees from San Jose State University (B.A.), Santa Clara University (M.A. 1987) and the University of Nebraska (Ph.D in Business Administration-Marketing, 2001). Lynn taught marketing at UNL and then was involved in the support of various non-profit organizations in Lincoln. Survivers include daughter Elaine M. Samsel, husband Jason M. Samsel, sister Stacy Powers and brother Clay Smith.