L. Michael Bogert ’79, former regional administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Region 10 office in Seattle and counselor to the secretary of the Department of the Interior, has joined Parsons Behle & Latimer’s Boise office as a shareholder. Bogert joins a team of more than 20 environmental law attorneys and will lead the firm’s environmental law practice in Idaho.
“Michael is an extremely talented and experienced lawyer and will be a very valuable asset to our firm, bringing an extraordinary background in environmental and natural resources law,” said Raymond J. Etcheverry, chairman and CEO of the firm.
“Michael’s experience in Washington D.C. working with the federal government, in addition to his deep knowledge of law and issues affecting natural resource projects in the Intermountain West, will greatly benefit the firm’s environmental and natural resources practices,” said Richard J. Angell, chair of the firm’s environmental and natural resources department.
Appointed in 2006 by President George W. Bush as counselor to Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne, Bogert advised the secretary on matters such as implementation of the Endangered Species Act, Indian water rights settlements and other Federal law and policy relating to water and natural resources development on public lands. He coordinated negotiations and policy for the department on the Avista/Coeur d’Alene Tribe FERC hydropower relicensing settlement discussions, and served as the lead policy negotiator for the Hydropower Agreement in Principle as well as the Final Dam Removal Agreement with Pacific Northwest Native American Tribes, California, Oregon and PacifiCorp as part of President Bush’s Klamath Basin Initiative.
Appointed by President Bush to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regional Administrator position for Region 10 in 2005, Bogert was the EPA’s representative on two important collaborations with the Coeur d’Alene Basin Commission and Puget Sound Partnership.