
Joseph Charles McCarthy, Jr. ’64, M.D. Captain (Retired) USNR passed away August 20 in Gig Harbor, two years after the diagnosis of esophageal cancer. He was 69. Born August 13, 1942 to Joseph and Margaret McCarthy in Seattle, he attended and graduated from Assumption, Seattle Prep, the University of Santa Clara, and the University of Washington School of Medicine. He was drawn into the U.S. Army by the Vietnam Conflict, and attended Airborne and Ranger schools. He completed a residency in Internal Medicine at Madigan Army Hospital in Tacoma, followed by a residency in Pediatrics at Tripler in Honolulu. He was board certified in these specialties in addition to Family Medicine. This was followed by a four year break in service on the Family Practice teaching faculty at the OHSU Medical School in Portland. His military career spanned 20 years, including assignments in Nurnberg, Germany and Madigan, and an inter-service transfer to the Navy, retiring in 1994 at USNH Bremerton. Following his military career, Dr. McCarthy worked in both family and emergency medicine at USNH Bremerton and Madigan. He appreciated and enjoyed family and friends, medical peers and co-workers, residents in training, and many of his patients. During his early years he enjoyed competitive athletics and later gravitated to the outdoors, backpacking, horse camping, skiing, sea kayaking, books, travel, the opera and symphony. He and his family appreciated the care and service provided by Dr. Ronald Dommermuth of USNH Bremerton, Dr. Thomas Baker and his group, and Franciscan Hospice, and our treasured friends. During his formative years, he was raised Catholic with excellent schooling and care. More recently, he came to appreciate a less prescriptive, more introspective approach to doctrine and the study of the Old and New Testament. His years of attending Harbor Covenant Church in Gig Harbor and more recently Sauvie Island Community Church in Oregon along with their members have been a great inspiration and support in his life. He is survived by wife of 38 years, Carolyn nee Grace of Portland, son, Thomas (Wendy McCarthy Pantoja and granddaughter Maya), daughter Kerry of Ketchum, Idaho, (Gretchen) and three children, brother Donald (Tevis) of Seattle.

08 Nov 2018