
Jean McCloskey ’66 died at age 70 on Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014 in Los Gatos, Calif. of a stroke. Jean was born March 28, 1944 in Sausalito, Calif. to Stewart Mackie and Frances Kelly. She graduated Santa Clara University in 1966 and married Denis McCloskey, her husband of 50 years. Over the course of her life, Jean filled many roles, from mother to professional potter to teacher to graphic designer. She ended her career as a mission planner for servicing missions of the Hubbell Space Telescope. In her last decade, Jean had become an avid bike rider in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara Counties and abroad. She has lived with her family in North Yorkshire, England and Annapolis, Md., but Los Gatos, Calif. has been her primary home for decades. Jean is survived by her children Jenner, Amy and Kevin McCloskey, her husband Denis McCloskey ’63, M.S. ’69 and her sister Aileen Mackie.

08 Nov 2018