Glen Bradley ’16 was presented with a Student Life Award to recognize his contributions to the overall quality of life in the University community. Glen graduated with a major in Marketing and a minor in English. Glen has been a Search Retreat Leader, a Peer Educator, a Drahmann Center Tutor, a Eucharistic Minister, a member of the Concert Choir, and an active member of the Santa Clara Community Action Program since his first year at Santa Clara. Siince 2013, he has also been a staff member of the Rainbow Resource Center and led SCQ (Santa Clara Queer, a student organization for LGBTQ+ students). He notes that his time at SCU has been dedicated toward integrating SCU’s Jesuit identity and values with advocacy and ministry for the LGBTQ+ community. Glen was also awarded the Senior Leadership Award at the Lavender Senior Ceremony for the Class of 2016, which honors graduating seniors in the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. Glen came to SCU as a gay man from the Midwest looking for a place where he could integrate and nurture all parts of himself.

Additionally, in July 2013, Glen studied abroad at Nottingham-Trent University through the US-UK Fullbright Commission Summer Institutes, and in fall 2014, at the Danish Institute of Study Abroad in Copenhagen. In August, Glen will begin working in Washington, D.C at New Ways Ministry through the Loretto Volunteers program, advocating for LGBTQ+ people in the Catholic Church.

30 Oct 2018