Elizabeth Julie Powers ’84, affectionately named "Missy" by friends and family, passed away from complications endured during a more than a two-year struggle with breast cancer.
Missy is survived by her sons, Joey Powers (18) and Matt Powers (15), and husband, John Powers ’83 all of Watsonville; mother Susan Scurich of Watsonville; brothers Tony Scurich ’81 and Mike Scurich ’84 of Watsonville and sister Mimi Scurich ’89 of San Jose. Missy was blessed to have the love of a large and supportive family including nieces Casey and Megan; nephews Jeff, Scott, Luke, and Zach; as well as sisters-in-law Julie ’82 and Jennifer ’83. She joined her father, Luke “Bud” A. Scurich ’54, in heaven who passed away nearly two years ago.