Elizabeth Barrett-Anderson J.D. ’79, a Superior Court of Guam Judge, is retiring. Sworn-in in April 1998, her contribution to the Guam Judiciary includes her work with Presiding Judge Alberto C. Lamorena III in developing the Guam’s therapeutic court approach to address family violence, drug and alcohol related crimes, and juvenile justice. She is credited with the creation of the Driving While Influenced (DWI) Court and the rules of procedure and practice in the field of domestic violence. Judge Barrett-Anderson has been recognized nationally for this work in the past, serving on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals and the Federal Advisory Council on Juvenile Justice. Prior to her appointment by Governor Carl T.C. Gutierrez, Barrett-Anderson served as a member of the 23rd and 24th Guam Legislatures, Attorney General of Guam during the Administration of Governor Joseph F. Ada (1987–1994), and Legal Counsel to the Guam Department of Education (1981–1985)

29 Oct 2018