Edward H. Kranz ’56, 1934-2013, passed away peacefully at Cottage Hospital after a long battle with cancer. He was born and grew up in Pasadena Ca., graduated from the University of Santa Clara with a degree in mechanical engineering, served as Lt. U S Army and retired after 36 years with TRW as VAFB Base Manager. During those years, he served as President, Mission Hills Community Council; President, Mesa Oaks Mutual Water Co., Founding member, Coach, Referee and President of the Lompoc Valley Soccer Association which then became the current AYSO organization; Board member, Village Rotary Club; Member, Board of Directors VCC; Board member and President VAFB Chapter Air Force Association; Chairman, Lompoc Chamber Military Affairs Committee; Board Member and President Lompoc Rotary Club; Board member and President VCC Mens Association; VCC Mackie Chairman.
Together with his wife he raised 3 sons. Preceded in his death were first wife Brenda, mother of his sons and his second wife Sharon. Survived by sons Michael and grandson Edward of Redding, Ca., Stephen and grandchildren Kendall, Austin and Evan of Lompoc, Richard and grandson Nathaniel of Marietta, Ga., and companion Frances Singson of Lompoc.